According to some recent studies, the consequences of free breathing in extreme cold environments are: lowering temperature in the thoracic cavity leading to reduced body reflexes and activities, thus reduced survival capacity. One of the ancient methods for improving this shortcoming was covering the nose with a textile or fur material, thus, the breathe-in air becomes a mix between the breathe-out air and the breathe-in air, which is more comfortable and warm, but scarce in oxygen. This method is still used in present times.
Modern technology can fix this problem, but artificial heat sources are heavy and have reduced autonomy.The mask for warm air is an invention which addresses the problem by using an air-air heat switch which is applied over the air intakes (nose, mouth) and recovers the biologic heat in the breathe-out air, by means of which it warms the air to be inhaled. Considering that a great part of the energy contained in the breathe-out air is recovered, which is lost anyway, the body’s effort is proportionally reduced, and the survival strive is severely reduced also. THE METHOD FOR COLLECTING THE CONDENSATION WATER IS NOT REVEALED.
This reality allows speculations to be made on the humankind origin. On one hand, you can observe the evolution of the nose as an air pre-heater which is undergoing a transformation process, from two olfactory pits, which can be observed in the cave drawings up to the today’s form. Moreover, the fractional functioning of the brain can be the consequence of slowing the functions on long term due to environmental temperature dropping, as a body’s own method for protection. This ambient change could have been the result of natural phenomenon or adapting to a new environment. (On earth)
Species migration is not something new. There are plenty examples on a planetary scale, and on the interplanetary scale, the enormous costs for research and global tests conducted by the world’s leaders, are an eloquent example. Not only the expansion goal, but also the perspective of planet’s energy resources depletion, is valid reasons for these activities. (Even if new sources of energy would be found, the environmental degradation is irreversible.)
The alternative would be the demographic control until establishing the balance between energy consumption and what we know at that respective time about resources we can take from the sun. This can only be achieved through education.
Knowledge, the only thing responsible for the level of education, is dependent on the brain functioning at a greater capacity, which, at the present time, is not even likely observed. Thus, I’m allowed to think that we have to undergo a new evolution cycle, considering that the energy is low and the brain does not resemble to likely return to its full capacity, in the near future.
The solution lies within the genetic engineering, and the material can be found within the pygmy tribes.
Reducing the human height can solve the problem for another evolution cycle (or more) and has more chances to succeed than the outer space migration. Costs are inferior, and the time margin is predictable. This alternative can be hard to understand and accept, but is the only one, and not more unreal than the outer space migration.
Olaru Laurentiu
Alba Iulia 14 02 2012.